If you are looking for a way to make money online, you are in good company. You only need to put that phrase in Google and you get answers in the millions jili slot online gaming.
We are all being bombarded with Get Rich Quick schemes in our inbox. Sometimes they sound too good to be true – and the old adage still applies – “If it sounds good to be true, it probably is” Sometimes they could be OK, but how to tell the difference? Unfortunately, the only way to tell – unless you believe the “testimonials” is to check it out yourself, as you don’t see many negative testimonials!
Now we come to the next problem – if you watch a video online that tells you how to make money, unless you have a high speed connection, like broadband, it is a pain to watch it all the way through, and then the next one , and the next one…. What if you didn’t understand something in the first one? You go back, watch it through again and 2 hours later, you’re still looking. Maybe it was in the second video? Or the 3rd……
Sometimes you can download videos if you have a good connection and plenty of time and bandwidth – and space on your hard drive. Then the next “breakthrough” comes along and you take a look – no good, go back to the first one. But where did you put it? “I was sure I saved it (I think) maybe I decided to get the new one instead, now that’s no good I’ll have to download it again, now where is the address where I got it? Will I have to buy it again?” And so it goes on. You could easily miss out on a “good” system, but you’ll never know.
Remember the Auto Ads “Ford has a better idea” back from the ’60s? You can now get training on DVD – each DVD has a series of videos to bring you up to speed on all the aspects of a particular aspect of internet marketing, or whatever is your chosen topic You purchase the DVD for your topic, delivered to you door in a couple of days, then you have your own complete course, with ordered lessons, run by a specialist tutor, and you can watch over his shoulder as he starts at the beginning, goes through the complete project step by step.
You can refer to your DVD any time you want, a Contents list shows you where to look. Some have an accompanying PDF manual. For example, you can find out how to use Resell Rights products, from selecting the product to getting a domain, to loading a website and selling your product. Another complete DVD has videos showing you how to make money with your Twitter account. Yet another has instructions for boosting your Page Rank in Google. A recent addition shows you how to work with local businesses, combining their offline experience with your online expertise, to your mutual benefit. Your expertise is right there on the DVD.