Track and field sports are all events which bring to the fore the prowess of man. Throughout history Kings and rulers have held contests to commemorate a meeting or simply for pleasure and recreation. This could be the origin of the track and field sports which normally include races and feats of strength such as the Javelin throw and the discus throw. The early civilizations in Greece and India all had track and field sports, nevertheless the Greek origin is well recorded and now there are recordings available from 776 BC. Records indicate that in that point the sole event was a race
But recent research from in, imply that the games in Greece may have probably been held much sooner perhaps from the 10thor 9th century B C. The Games of prowess were held at Olympia as is supported by a set of Bronze relics which were discovered indicating that prizes were awarded to the winners. As the ancient games were correlated with Olympia, the current Olympic Games derive their name from this source.
Even the most famous of this track-and-field matches that is a lasting testimony to person’s endurance is that the Marathon. This may be the best race of endurance. However, this race as per recordings available is a more recent phenomenon because it failed to form part of those primeval games. The Current Marathon was first introduced in the 1896 Olympic Games at Athens, Greece. The race in this Olympics was conducted from Marathon, a place North East of Athens into the Olympic Stadium in Athens. This race commemorates the flair from Pheidippides, an early courier who brought the news that the Persian Army of Xersis had landed in Marathon. He’s reported to have conducted 149 miles to Sparta on this specific news and alerted the Spartans into the Persian threat.
The early games were held every 4 years and the current games have followed package. Once the games turned into an everyday feature other games that examine a mans power and strength were all added. So the Javelin throw, discuss Shot put throw as well as wrestling events were incorporated from the early games.
The track and field events have expanded and the Olympics have become a world event, however we must thank our ancestors that thought of those accomplishment of strength and prowess that regale us today.